Walter Hossli

The biggest question driving the work:


“Is the human race able to come around to muster enough energy to ensure survival for the next 100 years?”

Ever since finishing my leadership role at Momentum, I’ve become more involved in climate protection. I’m concerned about the survival of humans on this planet. We have been trusted to take care of it, but we haven’t done a great job. The current numbers aren't looking as well and we aren’t making enough progress. So, I often struggle with staying optimistic considering the negative repercussions on the big picture, but it’s important to look at the world with a critical lens.

Remembering the Studio:

The Trico Changemakers Studio is a positive force in my life. It’s a new initiative, and being a part of something new that hasn’t been tried before is exciting. It comes down to being in contact with young people who are concerned about change. I get energy to hear what they are passionate about.

Points of Inspiration:

I usually have a non-fiction book on the go that keeps me thinking about things I may not be paying attention to. I have two right now which explore the concept of being comfortable with being different.

  1. Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant

    This book looks at thinkers that have shaped change in the last fifty years. What makes a true original? They are able to think outside the box, evaluate, and think critically rather than quickly. This book is a great reminder that some ideas have failed because they have not been exposed to outside perspectives; they have been within the inside which means within the same views.

  2. The Wisdom of Crowds by James Surowiecki

    This book shows how the average person as part of a crowd has insights to add to ideas and choices. It explains that the crowd is much wiser than we give it credit for.


Advice for the road:

“Step outside your bubble - we have such tension between right and left now and people don’t interact with the other side much, if at all. This will reduce human advancement. There’s other knowledge and wisdom on the other side too.” 

Walter Hossli is the Founder and Director of Emeritus, Momentum, now known as Momentum. It’s a community-based, charitable organization providing trades training to new Canadians, small business training, personal money management courses, financial coaching and business loans. Most importantly, Momentum advocates for and has achieved substantial policy changes to address systems barriers low-income Calgarians face.

Walter is also an avid gardener and climate action advocate who welcomes challenges, and enjoys walking off the map into the unknown territory. A recipe well suited for a changemaker. 


Nicole Schaefer


Sydney Harder